Autism Aber Educational Services.

What we offer:

*A specialised supply teaching assistant role, to learners who present with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

*Motivational speaking in schools, educating learners about the autism spectrum.

*Supply teaching assistant role.

*Motivational speaking followed by Q&A to teachers and parents, regarding ASD.

*Group session, inspiring people to write.


Who we can help, and how:


Support staff and young children, who at this stage may, or may not be under assessment. 

Speak to parents with concerns and offer strategies that can help within the home.

Advise and support with any speech therapy put in place, or work within the team to build communication (training can be provided).

Work with the children in building interaction, sensory play, recognising potty time and overcoming difficulties within their diet.


Primary school

Support staff with the delivery of speech therapy.

Promote positive behaviours.

Implement a routine timetable to support learners.

Seek out any sensory issue that may be affecting a learners ability to concentrate and learn.

Assist on a 1-1, or within a small group with tasks set out.


Secondary school

Assist learners with their work set out by the teacher, promoting a range of techniques as one approach doesn't suit all!

Deliver bespoke ASD training to both staff and learners.

Work with outside services, to ensure that the needs of the learner are being met.

Advocate for parents, who may feel overwhelmed by the changes to their child starting secondary school, and hold question and answer meetings.

Be a support to learners during transitional periods.

Assist within specialised units to aid learners in completing tasks, go on outings and throughout their therapy sessions.

Implement ILP's  (Individual Learning Plans).


Additional services

Motivational speaking: sharing my own story regarding my sons diagnosis. I speak about issues that have, and still do affect him, such as sleep, eating habits, stimming, meltdowns, schooling and our hopes for the future.

Fun and interactive sessions can also be delivered to primary school and secondary school children.

Both are followed by Q&A.


Allowing your thoughts to flow:

Very similar to motivational speaking, however this is more tailored to schools and pupils in further education who have a love for writing. I'll share my own experience in writing my book, and deliver a fun session to hopefully inspire the next generation, whether it be writing for pure joy, or as a career. 



Despite there being more awareness about autism, there is still confusion when it comes to the term ASD, otherwise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder. It's also very confusing when it's not a 'one size fits all', as everyone on the spectrum can present differently. So, this deliverance can be tailored to the group it's intended for. I had a great experience when delivering at my daughter's primary school, however a more in depth training followed by a 'question & answer' session can be given to other organisations:

Are you a business that wants to be more inclusive when it comes to neurodiverse customers, or staff?

Do you work in education, and want better understanding, or have specific questions?

Do you work for the local authority and feel parents and carers need regular contact with someone, whilst awaiting a diagnosis?


If so, then please get in contact, all the above can be altered to meet the clients needs. 


*Please note, all fees are agreed prior to appointment.

 Qualifications, DBS, Child safeguarding certificates and my Education Workforce Council registration can also be provided.