News / Newyddion

April/ Ebrill

April is Autism awareness month, so it felt only right to go into a local primary school to do a talk. I spoke here last year, so it was lovely to receive an invite back to speak again. This time we covered sensory differences in autism, giving the learners an idea of how a person with ASD can be overwhelmed, or underwhelmed. These pupils are certainly a credit to the school, they asked plenty of questions, and enjoyed the interactive session. Diolch pawb.



As we raise awareness about the seriousness of mental health, and how important it is, to not only be kind to others, but also ourselves, here is a sneaky peak of how Archie enjoys his time. Exercise and sensory play are crucial to him so, please see more details on this via my page Autism Aber- by Olivia Richards via Facebook, Autism.Aberystwyth via Instagram, or book a motivational talk, or session to gain further advice and support.


June/ Mehefin

The past few months I've been working, even more on ways to develop Archie's speech. Although his speech is very underdeveloped our aim is to make sure he understands, as close to 100% of verbal communication. How have I done this? Well, there are a few things to consider when teaching a child with combined Autism and ADHD. Developing projects take time, so I needed it to be right and help not only Archie, but others. 

Keeping the reading age appropriate, engaging and not too long! So, here we have my new project, reading books aimed at teens' with Autism that have a delay in speech. I'll keep you posted in the coming months, all I can say for now is Archie's a fan!

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